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Bad Weather Policy

Your Swimmer's safety is our primary concern. 

Emails will be broadcast to the team as soon as possible if practices or meets are canceled or delayed. Rain alone does not cancel practices or meets. Your swimmer is already wet. Lightning is the most common reason for cancellations . We must follow each pool's safety protocols. 

The City of Cedar Parks has a 30-30 rule for lightning. City lifeguards will clear the pool deck if lightning is spotted. Many summer storms are short-lived and unpredictable. Depending on the forecasted storm tracking and time of day, the Head Coach and a ranking Board Member at the pool will decide on full or partial cancellation of practice.

Lightning Safety at Buttercup and Milburn Pool

The Typhoons practice pools follow national guidelines regarding lightning and pool safety. The policy is as follows: If any Coach or Lifeguard hears thunder OR lightning is detected within 15 miles of the pool, all swimmers must exit the pool and seek shelter. The pool will be closed until 30 minutes after the storm has passed.

Shelter, in the case of the Milburn Pool, is a vehicle (other than soft top convertible. The breezeway, restrooms, and pavilions are NOT considered shelter. Again, although you may feel safe from the rain, the breezeway, restrooms, and pavilions are NOT considered shelter from lightning!! If you choose to stay at the pool during the storm the lifeguards you may be asked to leave these areas.

Parents: If you normally drop off your swimmer/s for practice, it is advised that you stay at the pool when thunderstorms are expected.

Please follow all Lifeguard and Coaches instructions in the event of a thunderstorm!!

More information on Lightning Safety can be found here: http://www.usla.org/?page=Lightning

30-30 Rule for Lightning

We follow the City of Cedar Park lightning safety rules. When you see lightning, count the time until you hear thunder. If this time is 30 seconds or less, seek proper shelter. If you can't see the lightning, just hearing the thunder is a good back-up rule. Wait 30 minutes or more after hearing the last thunder before leaving shelter.

Updated 2024

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